:      :   :   
(Decimal Degrees, WGS84):
: (Click on windrose for more information)

Query the coordinates of interest by either using the map, above, to navigate and then click on a point of interest, or enter the coordinates manually, also above.

The windroses layer can be toggled on and off, and clicking on any of the windroses will produce an informational popup with more detailed windroses available for download.

Query results with downloadable datasets will appear in this box.

All applicants are required to receive a Representative Meteorological Data Determination or a Representative Meteorological Data Approval from the Permit Modeling Unit by following the instructions detailed in the Modeling Procedure Guidance found on the CDPHE Air Quality Modeling Guidance for Permits website. Any modeling analysis submitted without a Representative Meteorological Data Determination/Approval will be rejected and resubmittal would be required.

Meteorological datasets are ASCII based files that can be saved by right-clicking on the links above, and then saving the target to your local computer.